These are some activities a mentor could pursue with one’s mentee. Each mentor-mentee will eventually choose according to their interests and likes.
Remember, to refer to general guidelines for mentors and specific to ‘going out’. Certain partner community centers have restrictions and curfews (timings). Parental/guardian consent is also important to avoid the mentee getting into trouble later.
Therefore choose activities most suitable for you and what works for the mentee.
- Dreams & Goal Setting
- Important Documents - ID proofs
- A visit to a Local Bank - Learn about Savings Bank A/C
- A visit to the Post Office - Learn about Post Office Savings A/C
- Learn about Part -Time Job Opportunities
- A visit to a Fast Food Outlet/ Coffee Shop
- A visit to a Book Store
- A visit to a Mobile Service Customer Care Outlet
- A visit to a Supermarket
- A visit to a Printing/DTP firm
- A visit to a large Retail Store
- Career Choices - Options after High School or PUC
- What are Vocational Training Institutions? Visit One
- Visit to an Internet Center/Cafe - Learn about Email and Search
- Visit to an Insurance Company
- Visit a Mentee’s House/Walk in the Neighbourhood
- Playing Indoor Games
- Playing or Watching Outdoor Sports
- Visit to a Park
- Visit an Art Gallery/Exhibition
- Drawing/Painting/Embroidery/Crafts
- Meet People in Different Careers/Jobs
Dreams & Goal Setting

You will need 2 chart papers and 5-6 colors/markers.
a) You and your mentee both take 10 minutes to list down all your key skills or talents on one side of the chart paper.
b) Both of you then make a list or draw pictures that represent your "dreams' or 'things you want to do in your life or achieve or change'. You have 30 minutes to finish. Explain to your mentee that this could be broadly be across areas such as:-
- Education
- Career
- Personal Interests/Hobbies/Activities
- New Skills
- Family/Relationships
- Things you would like to own or have ( house, computer, vehicle, mobile)
- Places you would like to go or see or travel to
- An experience you would like to have
c) When both you are done, you take turns to share your respective dreams/goals. Your mentee may need time and help articulating. Be patient. Offer praise and encouragement as your mentee shares his/her list.
d) Now, you and your mentee take 20 minutes to think about:-
- challenges & obstacles he/she thinks there will be along the way to these dreams/goals
- ways for your to reach dreams/goals - what do I need to do to get there?
There will a need for validation while talking about challenges.
Important Documents - ID proofs

Week 1
a) Have a general discussion around Id proofs, what are the different document we use to prove Age- School Marks Cards, Birth Certificate, School or College ID card
b) Talk about and show your mentee a few ID Proofs you use - PAN card, Driving License, Voters Card, Passport, Aadhar Card and what they are used for-
b) Talk about and show your mentee a few ID Proofs you use - PAN card, Driving License, Voters Card, Passport, Aadhar Card and what they are used for-
- What is a Passport used for?
- What is a Voters Card used for?
- What is a PAN Card used for?
- What is a Driving License used for?
- What is an Aadhar Card used for?
c) What are the different kinds of documents to prove one's Address
- rental agreement
- telephone bill
- electricity bill
- post office address proof
Week 2
d) How does one get these documents or IDs? .
- What is the process?
- What are the documents needed?
- What is the minimum age?
- Where are the offices?
e) Plan a visit with your mentee to a local Govt/BBMP Ward/Municipal office & Bangalore One to observe what happens there and inquire about Aadhar Card or Voters Card applications
f) Plan a visit to the local electricity board office to observe what happens there.
A visit to a Local Bank - Learn about Savings Bank A/C
Your mentee may not have visited a bank. This visit could help the mentee get familiar with the workings of a bank and get an opportunity to see an application form for a bank A/c.
Some of the conversations you could have before you visit the bank :-
- What do banks do?
- What is a Savings Bank A/c?
- Why do people use Savings Bank A/Cs?
- How does one open a savings bank a/c?
- eligibility - age..etc
- documents needed
Some of the conversations/observations you could have during your visit of the bank :-
A conversation you could have post your visit:-
- How does one fill an application form to open a bank a/c?
- What is online banking?
- What does one need to do to get to work at a bank?
A visit to the Post Office - Learn about Post Office Savings A/C
Your mentee may have visited a post office but may not be aware of the services available. This visit could help the mentee get familiar with some of the services of a post office.
Some of the conversations you could have before you visit the post office:-
Some of the conversations you could have during your visit the post office:-
- What are the different counters for?
- What is Speed Post?
- How does one open a post office savings a/c?
- Where does one get an application form for a post office savings a/c?
- Where does one get an application form for getting an address proof?
Learn about Part -Time or Full-Time Job Opportunities
Sometime your mentee may be able to pursue formal education post high school due to financial constraints. So, conversations around low skilled, part-time or full- time job opportunties in the organised sector could enable your mentee to support onself or even finance one's education, may help them in the future or when they turn 18 years.
Week 1
a) Talk about some of the common part time job opportunities available if one is 18 years:-
- Retail stores - clothing, book stores, shoes/apparel, electronic devices..etc
- Cashier
- Counter Sales persons
- Assistants for stocking goods
- Fastfood/Coffee chains
- Cashier
- Counter Sales persons
- Assistants for stocking goods
- Supermarkets
- Cashier
- Counter Sales persons
- Assistants for stocking goods
- Small firms/companies
- Front desk, recepitionist
- Data entry
- Office assistants
- Canteen/cafeteria assistantsTele-marketing firms
- Printing/DTP centers
- Cashier
- Counter Sales persons
- Mobile Service Customer Care outlet
- Cashier
- Counter Sales persons
- Tele-calling companies
- Telecallers

Week 2 & 3

Make sure you explain that these are visits to learn about working in such firms. Try to avoid wanting to purchase something for your mentee.
Week 4
How does one find a job?
Help your mentee practice Role Plays with you
- Telephone inquiry about job opening found in classifieds or online
- A walk -in inquiry about job opening
Make sure you offer validation when your mentee struggles with any of these tasks and encouragement/praise with each small milestone.
Career Choices - Options after High School or PUC
Sometimes your mentee may have trouble with decisions regarding higher education or career options post high school or PUC. So a conversation around this could help your mentee find some clarity and information needed to make a decision now or in the future.
Week 1
a) What are one's options after 10th

- PUC - 10+2
- Regular/Day Courses
- Evening courses
- Correspondence courses - NIOS
- Arts, Commerce, Science
- Private College Vs. Govt College (fees)
- Govt ITI courses- technical training
- Bachelors' degrees/ professional degrees
- Regular/Day Courses
- Evening courses - Work & study
- Correspondence courses - Distance Education- Work & Study
Week 2
a) Bachelors' degrees/ professional degrees
- BA - Eng Litterature/History/Sociology/Psychology/Economics..
- BA Journalism
- BA Fashion/Interior Designing
- B Hotel Mgt
- BE/B Tech
- Electronics/Civil/Mechanical/Arch/Computer Science/Electrical/Chemical..etc
- BPT/BOT/B Speech & Hearing
- BSc Nursing
- BSc - Maths/ Chemistry/ Physics
- BSc - Microbiology/Zoology/Botany/Biochemistry
- BEd
d) Help your mentee understand what careers are possible? Connect a career with a degree.
Wherever needed use the assitance of career guidance resources at Dream A Dream. This is a difficult exercise for your mentee. Please be patient with all the questions.
What are Vocational Training Institutions? Visit One
If your mentee is unable to continue education and is 18 years, he/she can seek vocational training ( job relevant skills) from non profit run vocational training institutions. These organisations also help with placement on completion of training.
Week 1
- What are vocational training organizations?
- What training do they offer?
- Retail - Counter Sales, Customer Care
- Tele-Calling/BPO
- Electrical works
- Hardware repairs
- Tailoring
- Computer Data entry
- Where are they in Bangalore?
- Unnati, Old Madras Road
- GMR Varalakshmi Foundation, Austin Town
- Seva Sadan, Koramangala
- Landmark Institute for Skills Training, HAL
- Hope Foundation, Austin Town
Help your mentee with role plays
- How does one walk-in or call and make an inquiry?
Visit to an Internet Center/Cafe - Learn about Email and Search

- What is an email id? How is it useful?
- How does one create an email id?
- How does one send emails?
- How does one attach documents?
- How does one use the internet to look for information? ( Search, Map)
Visit to an Insurance Company’s office
Sometimes your mentee may not be aware of the concept of insurance. So you could have a conversation about insurance to help your mentee prepare for savings in the future.
Week 1
- What is insurance? How does it help?
- What are the different types of insurance? ( life, vehicle, property)
- How does one get insurance?
- Eligibility
- Dcouments needed
Visit an insurance company office nearby with your mentee. Pick up an application and help your mentee understand how to fill a form.
A Walk in the Neighbourhood/ Visit to Mentee’s Home
If meeting at the partner center has been monotonous , for a change take a walk in your mentee's neighbourhood and if possible, meet your mentee's family.
This would give you an opportunity to meet the family and understand your mentee. It will allow your mentee to show you around the neighbourhood and reduce apprehensions the family may have about you.
Note: Avoid the visit if your mentee is not comfortable with the idea. Sometimes a mentee may not be ready to share this part of his/her life yet. Do not accept or give any gifts from/to family members. Be prepared to answer / or being asked some awkward questions. Go dressed conservatively and appropriately. Be sensitive to the living conditions and be polite.
Indoor Games
Choose a local park or open space nearby or use the space at the community partner center. You could carry simple board games your mentee may be interested in - Chess, Scrabble..etc

Note: Make sure you take back the material you bring and avoid gifting things to the mentee. Try not to get too competitive and get carried away or laugh at your mentee is he/she makes a mistake.
Playing or Watching Outdoor Sports
Visit a park /open space / playground nearby. If your mentee is interested in a sport you could to play or watch a sport – football, cricket, badminton…etc.
Note: Be well aware of the various sports you are playing/watching with the mentee and their rules. Do not exhaust the mentee with too much play. Carry some water. Follow all safety precautions to avoid injuring yourself or the mentee. Avoid swearing in the heat of the moment.
Playing or Watching Outdoor Sports

Be open to meeting your mentee's friends.
Visit to a Local Park

Note: Make sure the weather permits the activity and its not past dark.
Art Gallery/Exhibition
If your mentee is interested in art, you could visit an art gallery or exhibition nearby. This could be an extension of conversations around your mentee's hobbies related to art.
If your mentee is interested in arts and crafts, you could carry some art material and plan an activity at an open space, park or at the partner community center.
Note: Check if your mentee is interested in art before attempting this. Pick a quiet spot for this activity. Make sure there is sufficient time for this activity and art material. Make sure you take back the material you bring and avoid gifting things to the mentee.
If your mentee is interested in arts and crafts, you could carry some art material and plan an activity at an open space, park or at the partner community center.

Meet 3-4 People separately in Different Careers/Jobs

Note: Make sure your mentee is comfortable meeting another person. Give a small background about the purpose before the meeting. Choose people who are your friends, from professions/jobs your mentee is interested in. Explain that this person cannot promise a job. Explain to the person not to make any offers to one’s mentee either. Request your friend/colleague to be patient with the questions.
- For example, if he she is moving towards a commerce stream after school – someone from banking, finance, sales…etc. Let your mentee decide